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富ヶ谷路地の家/ Alley House in Tomigaya



敷地は起伏に富んだ地形の高台に位置し、近辺は迷路のような狭い路地で形成されて密集住宅地である。敷地に沿わせた平面形に、テント小屋のように中央に細い柱を2本立てて無理のない架構とし、おおらかなボリュームを作る。1階の諸室と屋上テラス、地上と上空から規定されてできた抑揚のある空間はただただ「大きなひとつの気積」であり、周囲に寄せた外観とは対照的に、路地の「地」に対する、小さな敷地の白い「余白」である。天井高の異なる1 階諸室の連なりが2階床のレベル差となることで、路地面から螺旋状に回遊し空に向かって抜けるひと繋がりの地形のような連続的な場を構成する。

“Creating a large volume on a small site.”

The site is located on a plateau with undulating topography, and the surrounding area is a dense residential area formed by a labyrinth of narrow alleys. The plan of the building is based on the site, and two thin pillars are placed in the center of the building like a tent house, creating a generous volume, and the various rooms on the first floor and the rooftop terrace, the intonated space defined from the ground and the sky, is simply “one large volume. In contrast to the surrounding exterior, it is the white “blank space” of a small site against the “ground” of an alley. The series of rooms on the first floor with different ceiling heights, which are connected by the difference in floor level on the second floor, form a continuous space that spirals from the alley surface to the sky, as if it were a single topographic feature.







構造:木造 地上2階

撮影:中山 保寛



Completion date:2021.04


Principal use:Private residence

Site area:81.77㎡

Building area:57.09㎡

Total floor area:108.76㎡

Structure:Wood; 2 stories

Photographing:Yasuhiro Nakayama

Insert:Shinkenchiku juutaku tokushu 2021.07

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