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表参道の新オフィス「POOL」のリノベーション(約200㎡)。既存建物は住居用マンションで、雁行した平面形に数多くの個室が配置されていた。広いスペースにスタッフ数人の事務所なので、前作のSakura flat(2010)同様、中央にがらんどうの大きな場を残し、素材感や密度の高い要素を周囲に配した。雁行平面と既存窓を手掛かりに、コーナーを設け、作業、打ち合わせスペースを分散した。机や小上がりの場を足場板でつくり、外周に沿ってぐるりと取り巻いている。余白は全て平板ブロックを敷き詰めただけの手つかずの場所とした。窓辺に寄り添う場が連続している空間だが、全体を把握できるように、机の高さを基準に上下で対比的に扱い、広すぎるワンルームに「まとまり」を与えた。








Renovation of a new office “POOL” in Omotesando (approx. 200 m2). The existing building was a residential apartment building with numerous private rooms arranged in a geese-shaped plan. Since it is an office with a few staff members in a large space, as in the previous work Sakura flat (2010), we left a large, garrulous space in the center and arranged material and dense elements around it. Taking the geese-ramp plan and the existing windows as cues, corners were created and work and meeting spaces were distributed. Desks and small raised areas were made of scaffolding boards and wrapped around the perimeter. All the margins were left untouched, simply laid out with flat blocks. The space is a series of places nestled by the windows, but in order to grasp the whole, we treated the space contrastively from top to bottom based on the height of the desks, giving “cohesion” to the overly large one-room space. The floor + 720mm (desk height) is literally considered the “surface of the water,” and is seen as a pool and the poolside surrounding it. Like the surface of the water seen from the poolside when taking a break, we created a place where one can feel the slow and the fast, the stillness and the movement.

Completion date:2010.10


Principal use:Office

Total floor area:240.72㎡

Insert:Shinkenchiku 2012.03, Brain March 2012 issue

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